Comments on: What impact does light have on controlled environment leafy greens production? News and information on vertical farming, greenhouse and urban agriculture Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:37:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emil Mihaylov - CTO Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:37:15 +0000 Great article.
The Bulgarian institute of Biomass & Biofuels – works on technologies for hyperintense indoor, on-shelf cultivating of superfast-growing (SG) organisms as several sorts of superfast-sprouting (1.4m/day) Bamboo, Wolffia Arrhiza, Macrocystis Pyrifera, BSF-Larvae, etc.
We have calculated that less than 1% of the superfast-growing biomass — produced, will be needed for generating the electric power & heat needed for maintenance the LED lighting and tropical heat of a Vertical Farm (V-Farm).
We believe it’ll be good for every V-Farm, growing vegetables etc. plants, to have a separate “energy department”, growing SG-Biomass as a green fuel for generating power and heat for the V-Farm’s needs, at an almost zero cost, or for direct market sales, bringing significant incomes for the farm, for covering all its financial needs as salaries, consumables, transport, taxes, etc.
