A full day workshop titled, “Water Management and Quality for Greenhouse and Nursery Crop Production” will be held on September 8, 2023 from 9am to 3pm at the Hamilton County Extension Office (2055 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45202). The workshop will provide growers the most up-to-date information of the key sciences and technologies contributing to water management and quality for greenhouse and nursery crop production. This event will bring internationally and nationally renowned speakers of key areas of irrigation water management, water quality, root-zone substrate sciences, and crop production to advance the sustainability of greenhouse and nursery crop production to Cincinnati.
The speakers and topics are:
Dr. Jim Owen, USDA-ARS, Water in Ohio – nursery use and return including reservoirs
Dr. Sarah White, Clemson, Reservoir water quality and management
Dr. Jeb Fields, LSU, Substrates and water management
Dr. Jake Shreckhise, USDA-ARS, Irrigation frequency and container color affect substrate temperature and controlled-release fertilizer longevity
Dr. Garrett Owen, OSU, Basics of substrate pH and soluble salts sampling and monitoring
Dr. Raul Cabrera, Texas A&M, Managing soluble salts in nursery and greenhouse production
Dr. Amy Fulcher, UT-Knoxville, TBD
Click here to enroll: https://cfaesosu.catalog.instructure.com/courses/water-management-and-quality-for-greenhouse-and-nursery-crop-production