Comments on: Functional Food Facts: Garlic does not cure COVID-19, but it does have other benefits News and information on vertical farming, greenhouse and urban agriculture Mon, 04 Dec 2023 17:40:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carol A Mon, 04 Dec 2023 17:40:12 +0000 Surprised wasn’t mentioned on here…giving a garlic enema will bring a fever down.

By: urbanagnews Tue, 06 Jun 2023 22:40:29 +0000 In reply to Kris Page.

Kris, thanks for the great question.

What we know is that two cultivars of the garlic species, Allium sativum L. are widely available. Other varieties do exist but they are not as far as we know commercial. These two species are the common white (softneck) variety and a purple (hardneck) variety which you are more likely to find in a specialist store. The sulphur content is responsible for garlics main medicinal properties but recent studies revealed higher saponins exist in purple garlic with better health potential. We also advise not to remove the outer tunic of purple garlic as this contains bioactive compounds. That said, eating any type of raw garlic will help as an anti-inflammatory since Allicin looses its beneficial properties after heating. Here’s a couple of links if you would like to delve more into the subject:

By: Kris Page Fri, 02 Jun 2023 21:12:50 +0000 Which garlic variety is best?

By: Akram assadi Wed, 28 Dec 2022 03:38:42 +0000 Hi
Ms.akram assadi
I am isolated because one day befor xmas
Test of covid 19 was positive. I Coughed all the night..and nex day I chewed 3 segments of garlic..and I slept no cough at all
Next day again did and night ..for 3 nights and was wonderful…iam alright now

By: Wesley Thu, 03 Nov 2022 01:19:53 +0000 correction:
Organic, uncooked, raw, garlic, taken the right way, can absolutely cure an RNA-based virus. It penetrates the cell wall and in the cytoplasm, prevents the individual virions from commandeering your cells’ machinery (e.g., golgi bodies) and forcing your cells to reproduce them. (Viruses/virions cannot themselves reproduce; they can only force the host to reproduce them.) Maybe this is one case where those who eschew critical thinking will choose to not follow the science?

By: Wesley Thu, 03 Nov 2022 01:17:23 +0000 Organic, uncooked, raw, garlic, taken the right way, can absolutely sure an RNA-based virus. It penetrates the cell wall and in the cytoplasm, prevents the individual virions from commandeering your cells’ machinery (e.g., golgi bodies) and forcing your cells to reproduce them. (Viruses/virions cannot themselves reproduce; they can only force the host to reproduce them.) Maybe this is one case where those who eschew critical thinking will choose to not follow the science?

By: Wesley Thu, 03 Nov 2022 01:12:03 +0000 In reply to Bando.

Your comment is excellent. (I’m surprised it wasn’t censored like mine.
Boiling garlic would render the active components, most notably allacin, ineffective. For garlic to cure Covid-19 or any other RNA-based virus, ORGANIC garlic cloves must be removed from the bulb, and immediately peeled, chewed and swallowed. I weighed approximately 205 lbs. when I contracted the Alpha variant in March, 2020. I consumed 8 cloves in 1 sitting with soup. The symptoms vanished the following day. I nevertheless consumed 6 cloves with soup or salad that day. On the 3rd day, the fever reappeared though my temperature was not high so I consumed 7 cloves with food. The symptoms disappeared by the next morning and never returned. For the following 2 weeks, I had a non-infectious sinus drain. It should be noted I was taking a multi-vitamin and other supplements during this period. Garlic’s fantastic success in curing viruses is well-established in scientific studies in juried publications. Ironically, even the National Institute of Health, with Dr. Fauci as head of its subsidiary organization, acknowledges this.

By: Wesley Thu, 03 Nov 2022 01:09:36 +0000 Too much truth in my comment i guess. When in doubt…just censor.

By: Wesley Thu, 03 Nov 2022 00:28:30 +0000 Boiling garlic would render the active components, most notably allacin, ineffective. For garlic to cure Covid-19 or any other RNA-based virus, ORGANIC garlic cloves must be removed from the bulb, and immediately peeled, chewed and swallowed. I weighed approximately 205 lbs. when I contracted the Alpha variant in March, 2020. I consumed 8 cloves in 1 sitting with soup. The symptoms vanished the following day. I nevertheless consumed 6 cloves with soup or salad that day. On the 3rd day, the fever reappeared though my temperature was not high so I consumed 7 cloves with food. The symptoms disappeared by the next morning and never returned. For the following 2 weeks, I had a non-infectious sinus drain. It should be noted I was taking a multi-vitamin and other supplements during this period. Garlic’s fantastic success in curing viruses is well-established in scientific studies in juried publications. Ironically, even the National Institute of Health, with Dr. Fauci as head of its subsidiary organization, acknowledges this.

By: Wesley Thu, 03 Nov 2022 00:26:40 +0000 Garlic’s fantastic success in curing viruses is well-established in scientific studies in juried publications. Ironically, even the National Institute of Health, with Dr. Fauci as head of its subsidiary organization, acknowledges this.

By: Wesley Thu, 03 Nov 2022 00:22:33 +0000 Absolutely ridiculous… still another “strawman” argument and another clear demonstration of the ignorance too prevalent in “western medicine”. Boiling garlic would render the active components, most notably allacin, ineffective. For garlic to cure Covid-19 or any other RNA-based virus, ORGANIC garlic cloves must be removed from the bulb, and immediately peeled, chewed and swallowed. I weighed approximately 205 lbs. when I contracted the Alpha variant in March, 2020. I consumed 8 cloves in 1 sitting with soup. The symptoms vanished the following day. I nevertheless consumed 6 cloves with soup or salad that day. On the 3rd day, the fever reappeared though my temperature was not high so I consumed 7 cloves with food. The symptoms disappeared by the next morning and never returned. For the following 2 weeks, I had a non-infectious sinus drain. It should be noted I was taking a multi-vitamin and other supplements during this period.

By: urbanagnews Tue, 01 Nov 2022 15:54:27 +0000 In reply to kelly.

Hi Kelly, thank you for getting in touch and sharing your experience with garlic and how it has relieved your symptoms of COVID-19. Garlic has some powerful anti inflammatory effects and along with many other plants it has been shown to reduce viral loads. It sounds like you have a good regimen to follow to regain your health. May we suggest you add Vitamin D3, cholecalciferol to your supplements as this has additional effects in preventing blood clots via reduction in D-Dimer fragments. You may enjoy our article

By: kelly Sat, 29 Oct 2022 19:49:30 +0000 I know garlic doesn’t cure covid but I have been suffering with long covid where are the under part of my tongue feels like it’s swollen it’s painful and I was getting sores in the back of my throat. A few days ago I tried to swallow my sandwich and it felt like I was swallowing broken glass. I also was getting weird pain in my body I started getting very frightened that this would never go away. So it’s pretty apparent to me that this has to do with inflammation. I’ve been doing a daily regimen of gargling with liquid garlic and then swallowing it and then chewing on one raw garlic clove a day and eating plain whole milk yogurt at night. I also start a gargling with peroxide and salt water. I’ve been taking vitamin C zinc and curcumin everyday now. So something in this regimen is taking it away because today is the first day that I have not had any pain in my throat in about a month. The garlic it was a very important part of my recovery and I would recommend it to anyone suffering.

By: urbanagnews Mon, 12 Sep 2022 22:14:24 +0000 In reply to Lynn.

Glad you found the benefits of garlic useful!
