Have You Registered for JPFA Training Course 2020?
The Japan Plant Factory Association is offering its renowned Introductory Training Course on Plant Factories with Artificial Lighting (PFALs) online this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, as reported earlier.
The course in English has just started!!
The course scheduled for Oct. 8-Nov. 2 is available for not only JPFA members but nonmembers as well. It serves people who have started or are going to start the PFAL business or research.
Have you finished your registration? If not, send in an application.
The course has academic and practical lectures by professionals from Chiba University/JPFA, the Ohio State University, commercial large-scale plant factory operators, etc. All lectures are prerecorded ones, but we are going to havea live question-and-answer session online from 10:30 a.m. JST on Oct. 21. We will provide other interactive opportunities, and virtual tours will also be available, including one to the world’s first fully automated underground plant factory in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo.
The deadline for the registration is Oct. 26. Don’t miss it! Click here for more details and apply now!
We handle applications in order of their arrival. (Office hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-16:00 JST) You may want to have a glimpse of what our on-site training courses were like.Here is what some of the participants in 2018 &2019 said about their experiences.
We’re making every effort to make this year’s online course as fruitful for you as on-site ones. Come join other participants. We are looking forward to having you online.