Comments on: Aquaponics Association 2019 Conference News and information on vertical farming, greenhouse and urban agriculture Sun, 13 Oct 2019 21:24:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff GORE Sun, 13 Oct 2019 21:24:28 +0000 In reply to Brian B Cao.

J would be interested in learning more about your system. I am researching for a system in Thailand.

By: Brian B Cao Sat, 27 Jul 2019 01:37:23 +0000 Dear conference organizer,
My name is Brian Cao writing from China. I just found out your webpage recently and am very interested in attending your annual conference to be hold in September. I have set up a demo aquaponic system for commercial production of fishes and leafy greens (about 1000 square meters) , and would like to share my experience with others in the conference as international case study. Would you please let me know if there is still a slot available for me to present and how long it will be, also when is the deadline for conference registration. I look forward in hearing from you soon, and please feel free to contact me if more information is needed. Thank you!
Best regards,
Brian Cao
